whatcha ona bout girl??

whatcha ona bout girl??
A retrospective on the inner workings of love, flying pancakes, mensa disasters, dandelion cookies, number bending, super salt, bubblegum oysters, chicken spit, crystal kidneys, guerilla carrots, polychromatic tofu, paraphysics, tender vigilanties, black sand, phillastine placebos, wood soup, buttered shuttlecocks, apostrophe training, fish whips, bleeding speed, plastic fantastic lobster telephones, venus drug rehab, clowns on fire, kiosks on a leash, marshmello overcoats, bottled light, fried blood, unbridled hyperthyroidism, folding wine, amygdula tickling, fainting in coils, hamburgers for the apocalypse, plastic memes, and conjugal fritters.....well...the love parts true

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Engineered magic, charming swine, and the kingpin of down time

Yeah dude…..new beach towels, blender, and huge tub of boat goodies are headin to the lake. The pools gonna be open and some offers in life are only made once. ….small smile…. Family, friends, late nights and late mornings on the water come highly recommended. Being the kingpin of downtime…….is tough. I suppose Pink Floyds wish you were here would be appropriate. But I have other things on my mind.
Now I can’t take credit here.

One plush summer you come to me ripe and ready
And bad through and through
With that deep mystical soul synergy pumping steady

Two against nature indeed. Falling in love makes you vulnerable….. exposed…..helpless….love isn’t something you can stop….so yeah….fight to control it and it will evaporate …just like that…….

Problem is…folks don’t want to be out of control. They want to be in love …but they still want to keep those walls in place. They want to be chased…...but not caught. Theyre proud of their independence and life on “uncatchable island”. That way………you can’t get hurt.

“no one gets in here………..alive”


That’s a great plan. No one gets in. You don’t get out. I definitely want some o that…... small smile. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

I think a lot of folks forget that. They have one foot in and one foot out. Whats the old saying? A monkey doesn’t let go of a branch unless they have hold of another one? True that.

The love train doesn’t ship engineered magic. You have to make it together. I think that gets lost on people from time to time. We like our food fast and our internet quick…….and tasty love?….well…….. instant mash taters it aint……it don’t come in a box waiting for you to open it. Trey Logan you…..are a sooooper genius.

I still go back to that feeling of 8th grade love.

its best when its effortless.


Nowadays there are kids, bills, gas prices, bills, gas prices, and of course a marriage history that’s well……..a real good reminder that love can be dangerous…....and painful.

Self preservation I guess is a natural thing. Throw enough car crashes in and soon……drivin aint so fun. I feel ya. Who wanna get hurt? True that……..better than that….

Who wanna get paid???

One things fo sho…….

You don’t play……..you don’t get paid..

Playin football is a blast. But I gotsta tell ya. Sittin on the sidelines during a game……..sucks. Yeah its safer. You cant get hurt…..but ..whats the point if you aren’t IN the game? Ya feel me?

I see a lot of folks like that. …….Closed off. protective, guarded, …….unavailable. Mirrors don’t typically lie…….at least I don’t think so.

Zat so?

So zat is………

Yeah dude…self medication dawg. Get in line. I don’t always listen to what I preach. Surprise surprise.

SIDEBAR: Aw dude……I hate seein folks hangin onto a bad relationship. You know whats worse? Takin the fool……. BACK. Does ANYONE respect that? Jeesh. ….. Lemme say it speaks of something lame when a woman takes back a proven loser who whimpers and whines and begs her a thousand times for months to take him back …..after they’ve proven they don’t have balls. Has anyone EVER looked back and said that was a good idea??? Weak? PASS Smart? FAIL…..I have never understood why no means “just ask me 500 times and eventually I’ll say yes.” Rinse …..Repeat. Repeat.

If you lie down with dogs……..your guilty by association.

Proprietary purgatory fo sho


Charming swine make grapefruit wine. Enjoy.

I like being the best of both worlds. I don’t always succeed though. A good man/.bad boy though means you have to bring your A game. I cant bring out the best in my lover if WE don’t connect. So the walls have to come down. I think people forget that. I think a lot of folks sit back and measure you up, grade you, evaluate you ………and then decide “no way” when they discover your not willing to pull 90% of the work. All the while failing to look in the mirror to see what theyre doing to make something genuine happen.

What meal you gonna catch with tricks, lines, and bullshit for bait??….…

Don’t think Im hungry just cuz it wiggles. You put in your own time around here homey. Make no mistake….if it tastes good then Ill tie you up and make sure you get lots of good attention with just the right amount of pressure….. but that will only happen …if youre available.

If not then ..….I can skip a meal…… small smile.

Oh…..and stay the HELL away from me.

For me: Chillin……The love train is on her own schedule……Im happy in my own skin of late…small smile…searching for happiness is nothing compared to being happy. Lately that comes from not bring a prisoner to desires……and giving away kindness…..big smile…....and vacation is coming.

For you: I want to see that look in your eyes.. I cant make you feel safe and secure if you’ve got a killer grip on that lock …AND the key. Im not sayin its easy cheesy lemon squeezy. …sigh…some things ya hafta work for.

With the long weekend that's comin' up fast
Let's get busy
There's just too much to do
That black mini looks just like the one she's been missin'
Feels good on you

Bring it……..bring you’re A game. The past is the past. Freedom will set you free.

POSTSCRIPT: The weekends only shortcoming was that it was ........ short. My son got his first real taste of knee boarding.....which he NAILED. Lately Ive been calling him crackshot after his first BB gun ability. hehehe

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The gold knight, the spring sun, and the things you see when you haven’t got yer gun

Ah…..dude ….the boat needed some TLC…..and I was glad to give it. Been neglecting giving the Tifosi….(yes that’s her name) some well deserved attention. She got some wash and wax for her body…..some stain for her wood……..some caulk for her seams…….and we’re both happy bout that. Its not really so much of a chore when you’ve got Bob Marley cranked up and cold lime flavored beer in buckets of ice. The pre summer sun is sweet ya know? Ya know? Not punishing like in August. Mmmmmmm some things just make you feel good. Got a power steering leak I need to fix permanently…..and maybe an oil change next trip down…….. and shes ready for the summer. Took her out for a quick trip on the lake and she sounds wonderful. Oh…I need a new flag on the bow. Any ideas? Hehehe Now I cant take credit here.

I Want To Love You (P.Y.T.)
Pretty Young Thing
You Need Some Lovin' (T.L.C.)
Tender Lovin' Care
And I'll Take You There

Pretty young thing indeed. But old school rules. Small smile…..

Aw dude. An old couple came in the other day and its hard to describe how cool it was to see them sooooooo stiiiilll in love. Lemme say PDA’s don’t turn my stomach at all ……sorry. She said they had been together since they were sixteen and man ….talk about envious. Unbreakable, unshakeable, REAL love. Lifetime tickets on the love train…… cool……

Its always best when its effortless. True that.

The modern savage isn’t the brightest animal….an A+ student of communication I ….am not. …I admit it…I need you’re help. Bad boys don’t train well…knowing that its not always about me is a good start. But bein a good lover comes from understanding …..YOU. That you want comfort……. to feel safe and secure, to be cherished AND ravaged by someone in charge and in control.

None of this is possible ……unless you trust me.

THAT………. I have to earn. Chase you? No………earn your trust? Yes. But I can only earn it if you’re willing to let me. Am I a threat to your comfort zone? I better be…..
But you have to trust me to push you out of your comfort zone …….and bring you back. I’d rather see you smile cause I give you lots of goooood attention. That’s different than chasing you. Ya feel me?
A guy that chases you is probably insecure and jealous…..(not to mention it makes you run the other way) and his idea of making you feel protected is to smother you and lock you up so no one else can tempt you. Uh….…that’s not love…it’s a dysfunctional prison in disguise.
You’ll only feel protected when you trust me enough to approach me. No cat. No mouse. No chase.
Dare I say it? Being restrained is an act of trust. To take you there and bring you back.

SIDEBAR: Good gosh Ive lost thirty pounds of football weight! Don’t mind putting some o that back on for sure….. but I guess its all good in the long run cuz it wasnt the healthiest……had someone close mention I was built like a tank. Hehehe have to admit it was nice to get to the gym and see the runts scatter. But deep down I know this is better for me health wise. So I should shut up.

Where was I ?

Oh yeah….

Got a friend who finally saw the light and got rid of the shitty boyfriend shes suffered with for 9 months. Good on her. It was SUCH a good decision because she realized she wasn’t available for Mr right…when he came along……. as long as she was dating Mr. handicapped. No job, a manipulator, always begging for attention, controlling, lousy in bed, caught cheatin,…for her it was a rebound trap fo sho….straight out of the marriage she picked a loser just like the one she had before……the first one up to the plate…. She went right from that to her high school fantasy guy ….he proved to be worse still. They hadn’t seen each other in a long time. He was in town all week but didn’t see her until he was on his way out of town….in the afternoon…after he used all his prepackaged lines on her…getting in all the sales tricks as fast as possible…with time running out…..he declared that they could fool around

If she wanted
as long as…….


they didn’t kiss…. Why? …..He said it was too personal.


The things you see when you haven’t got your gun.

The drive thru Cassanova.

No wonder y’all think there’s a mancession. I always say NO relationship is better than a bad one. I was proud of her ….she turned his wildly piss poor offer down.

A moron can read Shakespeare…….but that don’t make him noble.

Just cuz a guy says something …don’t make it so. Oh…..you knew that ….…didn ya?

I try to keep my blog as open testimony. Which is sometimes easy and sometimes er…..not so much. Disclosure about who I am is therapeutic …even if painful sometimes. But I maintain that a man should have only good secrets and I am not above the law.

Theres this……. overly attractive…girl (LOL ok ok woman) my age. Shes…..well…….an easy 10.3 on the Dudley Moore scale. Exceptionally beautiful, bright, in shape, smart, funny, sexy, coy……you get the picture. If she were to throw herself in front of the hookup bus every man on the planet would get off and help her to his bed..……in exacting terms…… a trophy wife. The hubby has his long list of accomplishments (They recently went on a vacation and Im told he wore a suit) so hes the typical “work comes first” “you’re an ornament” guy.

Shes……….not happy. “We don’t have anything in common”.

I’m …not the smartest……so lots of things just go over my head but eventually she makes it clear that…….if I am willing……..shes mine to enjoy. Once…….or…….I could go ring shoppin should I dare.

Did I mention shes NOT happy?

We have a very good relationship….and if both of us REALLY wanted ….things might be very different. Except

I’m not for sale.

Of course everyone in the gym thinks im insane but……….I don’t want to be the clean up artist for someone who “chose” to be a trophy wife. I know shes trapped at home but I have to confess…….If you made the choice based on the guys resume ……..then you cant earn my sympathy. Wasted Time? PASS Love? …….FAIL.

I like the thought of being the knight in gold armor ……but not for someone who got a cushy 20 year ride because they look great….and then decided they really wanted a life partner twenty years later.

No deal.

I like the REAL fushizzle…..with a lime. Its not very special if every man will take it. If any man is willing to lay down with you …its kinda up to you to tell the difference between a knight and ……..a guy with a sales plan. How hard can that be? ……don’t answer that.

For you: Be careful of venal choices……especially if you done did that befo.
Tinker tailor soldier spy …..a man in disguise will not give you his heart. Caveat emptor my love.

For me: Im in a much better place. Enjoyin the horizon and not worryin….the punkometer is workin and Im goin on vacation soon.

Nothin' Can Stop This Burnin'
Desire To Be With You
Gotta Get To You Baby
Won't You Come, It's Emergency
Cool My Fire Yearnin'
Honey, Come Set Me Free

Bring it………….bring the summer sun…….and a summer night……mmmmmmm……..even the morning spring sun sun feels good ……..on the water.