No .......I was NOT expecting it.....at all. I guess thats what happens when youre not lookin where your goin. You trip..... you fall..........I fell
I fell hard
Lemme say ....I havent been this happy.......and hadnt thought about marriage for a while. OK maybe Im counting my chickens but....true love is rare......
and you KNOW how ah feel bout that! ....... Big smile.
Now I cant take credit here.
I was so lonely until I met you
Told myself I’d get by without love
Drownin’ my sorrows
Avoiding tomorrows
Kind of felt that I just had enough
You light up my face with your jokes and your smiles
And the way that you came here tonight
Don’t know what you got
But I’m sure glad I found you
Could be wrong but it sure feels right
Back on my feet again indeed. Its hard to walk....... when you feel like running.....when it feels so good. But I have been here before........and so have you.
The older I get the more I want to do things the right way........come hell.........or high water be damned. Im not always proud of my choices....I have a checkered bad boy past that will not be fit for monarchy or the monastary. But I set my bar high for people that dare get close.and......I am not alone.....I know you understand this.
And.....regreatably I am not willingingly a card carrying member that subscribes to 7times 70. and yes...I admit my past is littered with those who would no doubt proclaim that number in my world is far too small to be included in the definition of generous forgiving. Yes I have my own faults...... I admit it. But I have to say....finding someone who loves me....just the way I am is something you cant enjoy until you experience it for yourself. No round pegs. No square holes.
I have been guilty of saying that there will not be another.
I was wrong.
The sermon keep your heart open........is medicine I love to share.
And......sometimes you cant appreciate being sick until you take your own medicine.
Even if this doesnt turn out to last ....I wont look back with regret because I put my heart on the block for her.
The love train has few tickets and I.........
have two......but......
not for long.
My pinay wants one of them.... and I.....
smile when I think that she can have it in her right hand......
because I
have plans
for her left hand
The past is
And.....I know that there have been times for you and me that this fact has been a source of incredible pain and loss. I understand......but........
The love train stops......only for those who are ready to let go of the past.
I am also a man who,....... when he is at his best ....brings out the best in his lover
.....and to my surprise...... she is bringing out the best in me.
For you: Love rules.......not the paycheck, not the car, not the size of the house, not even falling in love with saying "hes a doctor, lawyer or indian chief" to impress your friends. Call me in 15 years and let me know how that worked for ya..
For me: Love rules........ and when the love train stopped....Im glad I was ready.....big smile.
Surprised at myself
For the way that I feel
So happy that you’re
Here with me
Some women I’ve known
They’ve left me with nothing
But I guess that was just meant to be
And here I am
I’m back on my feet again
Here I am
I’m back on my feet again
Bring it...........bring the love train. Keep your games. Keep your lets see if I can get him to chase me. Keep your walls. Keep your check lists, keep your dont answer the phone when I call, keep your dont call me back right away, keep your lets make him jealous and see what he does texts and your Im gonna play dumb emails..... you can use them on the next guy.....coz guys like me are 5 on every street corner.....big smile. She has everything...all the inner beauty that I have always searched and longed for......... I'm......... gone......
POSTSCRIPT: The blog may be taking a recess.....which is better than a break! I hope to come back with good news for me....and I hope to find you all doing well.....so long for a bit my good friends...keep blogging.....XXXX OOOO Trey Logan you .....are soooper genius. Hahahaha...