whatcha ona bout girl??

whatcha ona bout girl??
A retrospective on the inner workings of love, flying pancakes, mensa disasters, dandelion cookies, number bending, super salt, bubblegum oysters, chicken spit, crystal kidneys, guerilla carrots, polychromatic tofu, paraphysics, tender vigilanties, black sand, phillastine placebos, wood soup, buttered shuttlecocks, apostrophe training, fish whips, bleeding speed, plastic fantastic lobster telephones, venus drug rehab, clowns on fire, kiosks on a leash, marshmello overcoats, bottled light, fried blood, unbridled hyperthyroidism, folding wine, amygdula tickling, fainting in coils, hamburgers for the apocalypse, plastic memes, and conjugal fritters.....well...the love parts true

Monday, June 8, 2009

the forest, the lake and the trees

Lately I’ve been overly concerned with the empty space on my chest where a girlfriend’s face would be sleeping. so its nice to be reminded that sometimes I get it wrong. I got to spend the weekend with my son at the lake and watch him play baseball. I couldn’t have asked for a better time and having a partner there would have just been a distraction. Sometimes the forest looks like a bunch of trees. It would be nice to have both things though and who is to say they can’t both live in my heart? Truthfully, the forest is made of trees and which one you see is all down to your perspective. Its nice to be able to see both.


Charmaine said...

I hear ya brother. Only I got a broken hand from guy then had to spend $120.00 on a cab cab ride because of the other.

Something weird is happening to men. Maybe it's just in Souithern California.

SilenceBetweenTheWords said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Violet said...

I fully believe they can both live peacefully, happily, joyfully in your heart.

I know a gentleman who I wish could see the trees and not just the overwhelming forest...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - I'm always glad to find a great guy blogger to read. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe nobody tells young men to remember, when they have a baby, the baby comes first - but it's still true, isn't it?

me said...

Yes its true....your comment is safe... BUT men dont marry women because they can make babys....
does that make sense to you? We get married because we want YOU.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't that a good enough reason for US to want to marry YOU?

It's a GOOD thing that women get married because they want babies? I've heard otherwise.

me said...

hehehehe ask your peers why this is so..... I still have an aversion to being pelted with stones but here goes.... having a child is so much a part of the fabric of a womans life that such a goal supercedes having a succesful marriage...in fact it becomes the primary goal (for some) ... remember "the kids come first" the marriage is expendable ..in fact you dont need a successful relationship with a man in order to achieve that goal...the world she is a changin.....

Anonymous said...

I have to admit that I only read as far as the space on your chest where a girl used to sleep... UGGGG! What I wouldn't do for a night of just that... Ok, now I am crying... off to wipe my nose and adjust my Big Girl socks, 'cause I think one just fell down.