I’m…………….having a problem. Right NOW……..Yeah dude……….uno grande problemo……shes ………taken….for now………she says…..but that doesn’t stop chemistry from going BOOM! Now does it? No dude…she has……..soft eyes…… and it makes me smile slightly EVERY time I look at her……her voice is far too soothing and….…dude ...reality trumps everything……. Yeah ….I know…BUT SHES TAKEN…….. You can dream all you want…….wish REAL hard……..juggle on a unicycle……I don’t care……..SHES TAKEN…….you might as well…….pretend your going on that shuttle mission…..or playing the lead role in the next Spielberg flick………yeah dude….your WASTING………HELLO??....WASTING YOUR TIME. Be a sucker or a fool…..your choice….take your pick……you can have either one…..take your time….think it through…..Now I can’t take credit here.
Stuck between a rock
And a hard place
Between a rock and a hard place
I’ve been a fool before……..A sucker too. There was this other girl…….we both fell……....chemistry??? No dude….….physics……An atomic bomb went off the very first second we met. I kid you not. The VERY ……..FIRST……….. SECOND. No choice……no decision……BOOOOM!!!!!! I remember that moment clearly…….completely….. BLISS…..JOY…..LOVE…….PERFECTION……PASSION…..UNBREAKABLE WHOLENESS……RIGHT HERE………RIGHT NOW….yeah dude the search was O…….VER……….O V E R ……
She was ……..…taken. .......FRIG!!!! The next few months were no less than …….torture……… FRIG!!!!!!!!!!! SHES %$^*# TAKEN!!!!....... You’re a fool….no…you’re a sucker…..WHO THE ……$@&*#% CARES??
Make no mistake…we felt the same……..Night …….Day…….together….apart……a friggin NIGHTMARE I TELL YOU!!!! And finally……….we decided that she would move the rock……..neither of us could stand it any longer…......she would leave her husband.
And then…….
Everything changed……I kid you not…..Instant flatline. She was 40 years old and I asked her when she wanted to retire. She smiled at me …BIG eyes……..and a grin that would make the grinch who stole Christmas envious slowly spread across her face and she coyly said “41”. …………….shes on her third marriage now.
Give me truth now
Don't want no slam
I'd be hung drawn and quartered for a sheep
just as a well as a lamb
Bring it………bring openness…….I know what smoke and mirrors look like and I did pretty good in chemistry and physics……. I still ………….have a problem though ……right ………now….. Her eyes……. move me and her long blond mane steals mens thoughts and draws jealous fire from all women who see her. She is sweet and demur….. and I am …....a sucker……..or a fool. She is TAKEN……. I have never felt sorry for fools. Suffering fools makes me…….angry. I am just not sure whether being a sucker is all that much better.
I'm here getting caught up on a week's worth of blog reading. Is there any coffee? Happy Saturday!
This sounds like danger! Too reminiscent for me... heartache is all I remember from my situation. Good luck!
@ Julie- coffee and saturday go together..so YES!
@ Single Girl- hahaha no pain ...no gain..the jury is out on this one....for all I know they may have left the building without reaching a verdict!
Sounds like a tough one...could lead to more heart ache...can I suggest a cold shower?
Perhaps you need a vacation.
Or a change of scenary. Clear your head. Come back and look at things later...
I'm with heather on this one. Sounds like a little distance is a good thing here. :) Missed reading your words while I was away. Good to be back.
In my experience, things never work out when the taken person leaves their S.O. Why? I think it's because when one or both people have a significant other, there's this dangerous, naughty element that's brought to the relationship. You have to work out special times to spend together, you have to risk being caught. There's that allure that you just cannot get when each of you have each other completely and openly.
I have been the fool before and it's no fun.
You seem smart and I'm sure you'll make the best decision for you and your heart. Good luck!
(I've been out of the blogging loop for a while, sorry)
@ Heather-can I have all three?? LOL yeah you might have just the ticket.....nothing hasty.....
@Amy- thats a good call......its hard to sort things out when Im only thinking with part of my body........distance it is...
@ April- I needed that! wow..getting caught up in the moment does happen.......my own ex was goaded into cheating becaue of the danger element.....I agree...big picture..
I appreciate all of your commens girls ...really.....we all need ..somebody...to lean on......
Trey be a Stud not a Dud. :) You don't need a woman in your life that cannot be faithful. HELLO?! Relationships built on lies never last.
Danger will robinson! Have you ever heard that country song "Ill Just Hold On" by Blake Shelton? Someone's playin' with your heart!
@ Heather- why cant I come up with these good points????? thansk darlin.....excellent point....im slow....
@ Carolina girl- When I say thats what im afraid of...its not my heart that jumps up to be crucified...but I tell ya ......when I smell something fishy, heart defers to my head..... and boy.... I get razzed if I think Im being used.....sucker? for loe yes...a fool......no more...
I would say, sounds like she's got a fidelity problem, but I told Big Red I was "taken - for now" while I was winding it up with Mister Terrific. In that situation, I was waiting 'til he had the money to move out before I broke up with him. The money arrived, the breakup went smoothly, and... let the games begin... 'k so maybe I'm a bad example. I'm just sayin' it's POSSIBLE she's only trying to keep everything on the level. But Trey, I wouldn't hold my breath.
One word, but repeated several times, "RUN, RUN, RUN!"
There are too many good women out there, why share one with another? Sounds like she is just looking for an upgrade and that is OK if you don't mind being used.
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