Looking back on what I call 8th grade love….. it was nice to see the world with a heart that was uncomplicated…….sweet….and honest. What else would you want love to be? Girls pick up on the courting rituals much faster then boys…..sadly I cant say this is a good idea……a twelve year old girl might get unwanted advances from older boys….but a twelve year old boy isn’t used to being approached by older girls…..I’m lucky …there is this window that I keep open…….its just too nice to shut and I still go back and see the view there from time to time because it gives me comfort. Untainted…….pure…..complete with butterflies and heart pounding……yeah dude……breath in the sun and drown in love…… go ahead and laugh…..I chuckle myself too.
Its not until you’re a little older that courting takes a left turn. I starting dating a girl from high school when she approached me years later, CUTE lemme tell ya, but it’s just this type of bitter taste of adulthood that makes my window stay open…and my eyes…..Now I can’t take credit here.
Head games, always you and me, baby
Head games, 'till I can't take it anymore
We go out ….we have a GREAT time! We set up the next date….I call…she’s busy…. A month goes by…..she calls….…we go out ……we have a GREAT Time….we set up the next date…. I call… she’s busy… a month goes by……she calls…..rinse……….. repeat….. about …..oh…..10 THOUSAND times….. yeah dude...its funny……I can laugh NOW but I just did NOT get it …. This went on for YEARS dude!! Years I SAY!!!.... fool me once shame on you fool me 10 thousand times……well……..i was being slow cooked....a crock (pot) is right.
I’m like most people…..I don’t like my heart played with……what kinda game IS this??? Dude......what IS that smell??.....Oh thats your heart roasting.....There MUST have been something WRONG with me to continue giving her the benefit of the doubt. Well…….. ....Im guilty…….... Ding Ding Ding!!!!! Your a winner!! Dinners ready!!! Come an git it! I can’t say I’m devious or smart by nature…..BUT…….when I finally DO get an idea…….its a good one.
I make the call. We catch up ….and then…….. game on
ME: how about Saturday?
HER: Oh I have to go to my moms..
ME: How bout Sunday?
HER: Oh, my moms coming over here
Small smile
ME: How bout Monday?
HER: Oh I have to work late……
Me: How bout Tuesday?
HER: Well….. I have to get my car looked at
Bigger smile……………. I DONT stop…. loving every minute of it.
Wednesday? Thursday? Friday?........I continue……….for 2 weeks…….I can hear the stress in her voice running out of fake excuses …clearly she’s getting embarrassed having been caught……..and having seen the light I’m not the least bit upset….…. finally she says she has to go…… One month later …..I GET the call……right on time.
HER : How bout next Friday?
ME: well…….Im kinda busy….How bout ………..I call you? …Small smile .......game ....set......match....
It's high time to draw the line
Put an end to this game before it's too late
Bring it………..bring some honesty. I still like games ….Im not proud of everything I do and yeah I’ve played my share. But the grownup world is so hard on peoples hearts ......and thats what makes love so important……..it’s the one thing left that’s hard to find but really worth sharing. lemme tell ya.....I would rather have my butterflies and hand holding than a worthless, shallow head game..….oh I still like foreigner but you can play that …….all by yourself.
Good for you! I like the game, set, match....haha. Games. They SUCK.
I like games, but everyone's gotta be on board. Playing games with taken people can be fun, but everybody has to be secure that you're just playing with the attraction and it's never going to go any further. I've had more than one "affair", where the flirtation is off the charts but skin contact is absolutely out of bounds. It's all about the ground rules.
@ CArolina Girl- Gotta agree.....i think people get comfortable screwing with people the older hey get...kinda like passing the revenge plate around .....dont like it.....
@ Romantic Seul- Daggone you!!! :) see......theres something about a womans and her natural ability to make men jump up and down like a puppet that yall love to make .....sit...roll over....fetch!!! and watch us with laughter...I cant stand that feeling of unfufilled twisted up sexual tension!!!! daggone you!!! :)
No, it's NOT fun when someone's getting hurt. Both people have to be playing the same game for it to be fun! that's why I've only had a couple-too-tree games like that.
Anyway, your poll's too short. Optimal love session's three or four days, in my book. Longer than that & you're too dizzy to get back to reality.
@ Romantic seul- .................silence...... blink ..blink.....chin in hands ....:sigh:
Yes, games are crap, unless you're both in it and it's a fun challenge. "The fun of the game" and "playing games, are two differeint things.
So you don't call her/him anymore. In the words of Barney Fife "nip it, nip it in the bud".
I would die before I called someone to ask them on date but that is just me...I know its the new "mili" and all but I always thought the man should make the
1st move for the more serious issues. But, if its a booty call then all is fair, I mean no one is going for an emotional connection in that respect anyway.
@ Miss Angie- Yeah youre onto something.....if the ground rules are established then it makes it easier....but I was just taken for a ride and i was just too slow to get it but when i did......hehehe
@ Kimberly- Nope dont call her anyomre...Im sure things would be civil if we talked...she was a sweet girl.....its just that she literally said...come here...go away....come here...go away..... That really smacks of disrespect and selfcenteredness...... so I was steaming when i figured it out.....im telling yo this went on for years!!!
Wow! Good reading, Trey! Food for thoughts... All good, including the comments! Everybody has a point here. I just think that games are part of the excitement when it happens naturally, because both parts are still wondering what is the next move. We all can get a little insecure in a new relationship, can't we?And this can cause the game to begin, naturally. Natural games are part of the male/female chasing... it's what gives that sensation of having butterflies in the stomach... But games that are played on purpose (let's say, just to be "difficult") lose their magic and can hurt, too.
I wonder sometimes if people in general (but especially American women) really know how to open their heart, express themselves, be happy and create happiness... Without fears, prejudices, pre-concepts, square thoughts, and false moral attitudes.
Passionate Rose
I think you read my mind. I was writing on this very topic just the other day. I couldn't pull it together enough for a blog post, but I guess now I don't have to.
Games suck. Unless we're talking about football games, and then...well, nothing better.
@ Rosangela- nice.... i think maybe its when i see the game playing as the only tool in a girls toolbag that the alarms go off....yeah i like playin ..thats fun!!! but when i see its the foundation with no substance behind it that it gets the axe.....
@ Amy- I DID read your mind.....remember that guy you put it to ??? hehehehe i love playing but its my fault for lettin it go on for as long as it did...... going back for more abuse was my fault.....
um, yeah. That guy I "put it to"...he just came back for more. I can't figure it out. I can't figure him out.
men...can't live with em, can't shoot em. :) Not you, of course...
I suppose a little game in the beginning could be a little fun, just to see if the other person is really interested, but for YEARS?? That's a tad (ton) too much. Good for you for getting back at her.
@ Amy- hehehe dont shoot me!! I still have more shit to write about! LOL You cant shoot till AFTER were married.
@ April- Yeah I admit it... I really was a fool on that..but ya know...even though I was an adult I was still pretty green (still am) and I like being that way .....even though it means im 35 years more immature than somma you girls!!!! but I did learn my lesson..... I think..
I so feel your pain. To be honest, I think she kind of likes you, but isn't crazy about you.
That is pretty damn funny. I hate games, unless it involves a twister pad. Or a Monopoly board. You get the picture :)
Games in affairs of the heart just take up too much time and effort better spent on other things.
@ Valley Girl- I love that flick so much!!! you just dont know!!!! yeah that love was a long time ago!!!! dont miss it!
@ Kathy- twister.....how much cooler can you get??? strip twister with tequila maybe??? LOL
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