Dilemma dude………but Im gonna let it fly cause truth is best…right?? I SWEAR…… Im EASY to get along with…..EASY cheesy lemon squeezy.......parcheesi....hehehe And I know we all have our differences…..but if you break a social contract with me ……..I…….dont recover. Its harsh…….I……..know……...and I promise that I love being flexible…its just that I have a standard and that standard means DON’T LIE TO ME. Don’t break a social contract. Don’t USE me. Its not negotiable. Now I can’t take credit here.
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Switch gears here. This is the house I grew up in. Its wooden and yeah Norman Rockwell fantasizes about painting it.
My dad was…..IS ………an asshole. There ….I said it….and yeah I meant it. There was the time he stole this guys brand new Cadillac and hid it……… for a WEEK …..then returned it to the same spot. Just to screw with the guy. One time he came out of a waffle house drunk and asked an officer in the parking lot (for fun) “Do you know where the waffle house is?” …..they locked him up….. Dude……Where in the
world ARE you going with this??
Ok…back to the house….I was in 5th grade and dad says “I need you to help me paint the house”. OK ……Brush….paint…bucket…ladder…..no sweat….until…..”son the ladder wont reach the top……So Im going to get on the roof and tie a rope around your waist” ……..blink……..blink…… “and” ……..”AND WHAT DAD????”.... “don’t worry”……”DON’T WORRY????...Did you JUST tell me?? …that im going to be suspended in mid air ….two floors up..…by a rope…...around my waist..….that youre going to hold…...when you put that beer down…..
All the blood ran out of my head.
Years later…when I tried to tell him that I wish he had been around more when I was young…..he had the ,,,,BALLS…...BALLS to tell me “I wasn’t around so you would learn to do things for yourself”. …Yeah dad.....sure.....Fatherhood…...FAIL.
There was this local girl I was kinda interested in. And she broke our social contract. In the interest of trying to get us together, I would ask her for something specific or even something general. Just to set up getting to see her again. Every time we got together she always had an excuse as to why she wasn’t able to “look something up” or “ask her friend” or “read what I gave her”. Yeah dude…… Always….. we would see each other several times a week and she was getting more amorous every time.But she NEVER followed up on ANYTHING I asked. She didnt even follow up on things she asked my opinion on!!!! She liked the attention she was getting but I was actually getting pissed off. I did whatever she requested and she.....dropped the ball. That lightbulb went off and I completely refused to even look at her in public. No explanation from me AT ALL. The end. Finito….. O…....VER. Break a social contract and I admit it….I ……don’t do well with that. And dont expect me to give you a road map on what you did to screw it up. Youre How old?
The same happened to another girl in town. She started cattin around….and I admit it….she was cute…lemme tell ya….and everytime we communicated she said she would look at my blog. Which I suggested was a good way to get to know me if you didn’t know ANYTHING. Well….. having looked at my visitors I could tell she was just giving me lip service….she would troll me for the attention…for weeks …..WEEKS…. dude!…..then give me lip service, every time, promising me she would look. Eventually I stopped acknowledging her too. I really hate to sound like a shit and I DON’T like to treat people with disrespect but………FRIG!!!! …Its hard for me to feel bad when I get trolled. When I realize Im getting trolled I cut your net. Don’t tell me your looking for love then throw out your net and troll. I don’t CARE if you get pissed off that I cut your net. I don’t want to play “string Trey along”. Im gonna change the rules abit and see how you like playing “Treys gonna ignore you for life”…. I know ……Im a kill joy. But I can’t stand a bait and switch….... I have a wedding album and paid off credit cards to prove it. Trolling for attention and I will NOT bite. I might consider grabbing the line and pulling you out of the boat instead......Ever met someone who says they HATE drama…..and their life is FILLED with it???? That’s fine………...just…….…. keep your distance.
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Bring it………..bring a social contract we can all live with. A bad marriage taught me what not to do. A bad father taught me what a good father should be. I guess there are lessons to be learned everywhere. Make no mistake I cant always keep my end of the bargain…. But the older I get….the happier I am with the contracts I make. Now….….where do I sign?
I never make promises I don't keep. I would never ever tell someone I was going to meet them and stand them up. That is chicken shit. However, I would tell someone the exact reasons why I couldn't meet them if I was having issues in my life. I don't consider this standing a person up though. This might sound bizarre but I believe timing is everything. How about you?
Everything happens for a reason...if it's good or bad...it makes us who we are. You learn from those experiences and it looks like you have learned from yours...on occasion.
However, with that being said. I still stand by with what my mother used to say to me. "When you stop looking for love, love finds you." Sometimes you just have to stand back and roll with the punches.
I've written people out of my life...friends and family because once you've crossed me...you're done. So I can relate.
However did you ever think that maybe this girl that you were trying to get to "read" your blog...perfers not to read?
Seems to me the ones who say they hate drama are the ones who SEEK it. There's no avoiding drama - if you are going to engage in relationships with other human beings, you're gonna have drama. It's the level to which you let it escalate and how you handle it that counts.
Lying is the ultimate killer for me, too. I can forgive most things but once trust is lost, it is never really regained.
Social Contracts - love it. Never thought of it that way.
I am really big on do what you say, don't play games with me. I don't have the time nor desire to. So I completely understand your social contract. Lie to me once, forget it.
@ Shelly- I guess were all on different time frames.... LOL I know timing is important...but im getting the impression the older i get that people make themselves LESS available...but expect their partners do be MORE..does that make sense??? that math doesnt work for me...i put my shit on the table....it seems like people enjoy hovering...but landing is a different story....
@ Heather- then she should say "I dont like to read" as opposed to "I will" if the shoe were on the other foot she wouldnt want me to say yes and really mean no....I whoudl send you the transcript of emails from this girl..... she wants my attention and praise but gives back nothing..... no deal
Im glad yo have that switch that cuts people off..i think thats important....let the losers of the world unite..just keep them away from me!!!!
@ Violet- yeah the lie thing is deal breaker...i cant stand trolling then complaining that you cant find a good man.....
@ Kimberly- Yeah Im kinda where russell hammond was in "almost famous" when he says he only wants something "real"
@ Gray- see? some people are at the point where ONE lie sends the whole thing in the toilet.. Im a live and let live kinda guy.... i set up a few boundaries..when those are passed (you get SOME leeway) you get the boot..no remorse...no explanation either. I truly dont feel im harsh on this...courting is a time of openess and disclosure ya know??? its when your comportable that you let yourself out nd someone else IN....when I see a woman trolling , she doesnt put herself up..its all show...no substance just tailfeather shaking to get attention.......fail
sounds like we had the same dad... mine would get drunk, grab a semi automatic, get behind the wheel of an rv and shoot up an the woods from the road as he swerved around...
yep, with us in the back. real fun guy.
but hey, you are right, you can learn a lot from ppl like that... what not to be.
your posts never fail to make me smile, trey. i like you.
if youre ever in florida...
Okay, I see your point. Maybe she isn't tender hearted. You know she could bethinking like some guys do...maybe she just wants in your pants! LOL ha ha .oh sorry. in any event...move on Trey...move on...show's over...nothing to see here. She's not worth you getting disgruntled about.
I can't claim I've never broken a social contract, in part because they're all so foreign to me growing up in a different culture. So, sometimes it's unintentional. That said, I have a huge pet peeve about lateness or people not having respect for my life/schedule.
And hey, it is true. Quit looking so damn hard. I took a couple years off the dating scene (in my early 20s!) to work on myself and just become really cool with who I am. I've dated one guy since deciding to try out the waters again, and haven't needed to try anyone else :) Just sit back and be cool with Trey and the woman (not girl) worth being with will show up in your life.
Just gettin caught up on my blog reading!!!!
Well said Angie Jackson!
"All anger comes from hurt"
Ever heard that one?
Trey, it seems that you and I share the very same warp-speed rate from kinda hurt feelings to anger. And anger makes it super easy to dismiss someone from my life. Not saying it is a bad thing but not saying it good either.
@ Violent- thats too funny....I mean..im sure it wasnt funny to be a passenger but.... I would love to come back to florida!!! if youre ever in west va...... :)
Heather- ok ok ok movin on... hehehe
@ Angie- no decision is better than a bad one so I agree..take it easy...
@ Skitzo- hmmm yeah it used to be folks had ten screw ups before I gave em the boot..then it was down to three and now.......im screening bad seeds to keep my distance!!! LOL I uinderstand though.....i think my fuse is a abit longer than it has been in the past but.......the bang is bigger....
@ Violent- thats too funny....I mean..im sure it wasnt funny to be a passenger but.... I would love to come back to florida!!! if youre ever in west va...... :)
Heather- ok ok ok movin on... hehehe
@ Angie- no decision is better than a bad one so I agree..take it easy...
@ Skitzo- hmmm yeah it used to be folks had ten screw ups before I gave em the boot..then it was down to three and now.......im screening bad seeds to keep my distance!!! LOL I uinderstand though.....i think my fuse is a abit longer than it has been in the past but.......the bang is bigger....
I have found that I'm entirely too forgiving to people who have walked all over me and lied to me. I've learned that it takes more energy to be upset with someone than it does to forgive them. However, the people who I forgive are people I know will be constants in my life and not passerby's. Does that make sense?
Having said that, I DO NOT tolerate lying. Not one bit. My son has learned that the hard way. But, now he tells the truth, even in school. The teacher just told me that he's a very honest child. Hearing that made me feel good because he's actually applying what I've taught him. You always wonder if they're doing what you've taught them when they're away from home. Ya know?
I kinda got off topic.
But yeah, screw those B-itches for playing games. And that is what they're doing, playing games. No one has time for that. NEXT!
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