Yeah dude….things ….arent always fun. Yes I am a soooooper genius. Small smile. Its easy to get a bit dejected when it seems like things take twice as long, cost twice as much, and last half as long as you were hopin for. Ya know? ya know? hang tough…im there with ya.
Ima sorry for that…..things just don’t go according to plan. If I had my way you would be close to me….your head on my chest. Some things are just ……the perfect fix…..Yes? I want to be that man that makes you feel good when things aren’t exactly rosy. Now I cant take credit here.
All our times have come
Here, but now theyre, gone
Don’t fear the reaper indeed. Been struggling with some sour luck lately but that doesn’t make me any different than others I know….small smile. A bit a hardship trains character so Im on board for a lesson or two that bends my will……..but as I see it there is light at the end of the tunnel. Bending is just …….part of the trip.
My salt as a man only seasons when the choices I make are on point …..when things aren’t the best. I rather enjoy (when it happens) NOT weighing life as good or bad as things happen …..but how I choose …… THATS what brings meaning. This is going to sound odd so bear with me…Im not saying I totally swallow the idea but sometimes changing the way I think makes things better…..so here tis…
..In life there it isn’t always a question of “good or bad”…..there are only choices. : puppy head tilt: I love the line in the movie the matrix where Neo says everything begins with choice. The response? “Wrong. Choice is an illusion created by those with power for those without.” Hehe what a Gordian knot we weave when at first we try to ….just make a mobius strip. In the movie seven, Morgan Freeman says “I know I made the right choice…but not a day goes by that I don’t wish I had made a different one”. Haha…..wait………what?
Trey ……..please…just get back to something that makes sense….
Where was I?
Oh yeah…..
Doing something kind with no expectation of reward is……..a choice…… One I Like. A man worth your hand should be no less. Big smile….and I got a chance to do so the other day and it was…….nice. Ah need to be doin that …….more often.
I know there are plenty o things that steal your attention away from what brings happiness. Bills, stress, work, traffic….and bills…… all conspire as a storm to keep your world so topsy turrvy that ……love really doesn’t have a chance ….unless the right person comes along and makes that world ……something you cant get anywhere else. Safe secure, soothing………calm .
So……… the impending storm doesn’t scare me….even if I don’t always perform like I want. But ….I do want to see the look in your eyes that’s says you SEE that in me cause I work hard for it….and to see a smile. When that storm hits I want you to hold on to me. Not shut me out.
I cant say Im easily understood…….or that im a pushover……yeah dude…its not called deadliest catch cause your lounging on the beach with a pole in the sand and a cold corona. Although ……….that does sound like a plan!
The best love is……..effortless
The best relationship ……..takes work.
So dealing with some unpleasantness is worth it if I get to bring out the best in my lover.
But be patient I don’t always get it.
Last year my lower body routine didn’t let me down....but looking back I know this year what to change. Too much a this and not enough o that…….training? PASS. Just …..not yet. Ah need a few more months…..Hehehe
So yeah ….Ah gotsta man up some more and push through cause this years looking better than ever! Even though I HATE this period of strength training….HATE IT I SAY!!! But just like Ive been saying, putting my head in the sand is no plan……that wouldn’t do well on the field …..or in your heart.
So yeah…..no choice…. I have to bring my A game…….. and so do you. The love train stops……right……there.
Come on baby
Don't fear the reaper
Baby take my hand
Don't fear the reaper
We'll be able to fly
Don't fear the reaper
Baby I'm your man
Bring it…………bring the light at the end of the tunnel. If you cant bring that…… take my hand and we’ll get there together.