I have ALWAYS had a fascination with water. Yeah dude ….I don’t think that’s unusual…...most folks love bein round it. Water has that affect…ya know??………soothing…..cleansing……..mystical. When I find my pinay…I know she will understand. Now I cant take credit here.
Catch a wave and you're sittin' on top of the world
Don't be afraid to try the greatest sport around Catch a wave, catch a wave Everybody tries it once Those who don't just have to put it down
You paddle out, turn around and raise And baby that's all there is to the coastline craze
You gotta catch a wave and you're sittin' on top of the world
Catch a wave indeed. Set the limbo bar low baby…Im done with low hanging fruit. The easy catch doesn’t mean the relationship is cake. Besides every relationship has its rough times…its how you get through them together that counts.
Im just waitin for my sit…as they say in surfing. The love train is rolling again and I can say with a smile that ahm happy. Ma skin fits me well and my pinay must have the same confidence, happy composure and inner peace as well. I say that because if she has a lot of troubling thoughts..she really isnt going to be much of a partner…the same goes for me and I admit…Im not very good at managing mental illness. I fashion myself as someone who works hard to make sure he is grounded and confident. I want the same in a partner. I realize I need to spend time under a microscope to make sure Im being the best I can be for my lover. For me that’s important. Cuz men are selfish by nature I think. But its not all about me..its about building something together...and that means being selfless.
Izat so?
So zat is.
Trey logan you ….are a soooooper genius. Im not sure being selfish is valuable when it comes to surfing the tidal waves of disfunction relationships can bring. One thing is sure…. If you want to catch a wave…you have to be patient……and chances are you will wipe out more than you will ride to shore on top of the world. And more importantly…..when you wipe out you have to get right back up on that board…… not swim to shore.
True that
I know things are hard…. There is disapointment…….. food prices, work troubles, dishonest friends…. but my value as a man means being someone you can lean on….everytime.
I heard where there are only three great loves in a mans life. Maybe. LOL I guess ahm savin the best for last. Hehehe.
Where was I???
Oh yeah
My last experience was one of infidelity. Am I discouraged? Not really. I just made a bad choice….but I learned from it fo sho. Goin to go back to my thought of "be desireless and give away kindness" I like what that does for my demeanor.
RED LIGHT: lemme say I hate the idea of not bein ready for the love train. I think folks want to ride but just arent ready. Having a surf board doesnt mean you can surf. Something told me to be more careful, that she wasnt ready for marriage. But I went ahead anyway. I dont think I made a mistake as much as I learned more about who I am.
GREEN LIGHT: Stickin to ma guns. Dont be afraid to hang it out there. Im quite content with my short stint on the love train. She will be back.
Lemme say..Im a one woman man. Its not a debate. I date one girl at a time. Period. There are no secrets…..if you plan on keeping some ….then keep them to yourself LOL cause I wont be around to hear your lie about how those mysterious texts “are nothing.....really”.
Been there ….caught that.
Good plan?? PASS.
SIDEBAR: Got a buddy who is having a hard time with his girl. She gave him a dear john letter sayin she needs her independance. They’ve spent a month apart geographically and she has decided that she wants a downgrade from lover …….to friend status.
He wanted to know if he should change his facebook status. I said no…...just wait. Punching her back wont serve any purpose to bring you together. What you need to do is show her that you didn’t plan to stamp on her independence. Because its about what you share together. And that you don’t run at the first sign of trouble because she needs someone dependable…someone she can trust when there is doubt. So I told him to throw honey on the fire instead.. Chasing her will only drive her farther away. Distancing yourself is even worse. Earn her trust…….. and her heart will follow. If it doesn’t ……your out NOTHING…..wait for the next wave. Is that good advice?? Dunno……but just like the song says …I cant make you love me…if you don’t.
For me: Until I find a real good limbo partner…gonna have a frosty beverage and enjoy the view.
For you: find us some limbo lessons.
They said it wouldn't last too long
They'll eat their words with a fork and spoon and watch 'em . They'll hit the road and all be surfin' soon
And when they catch a wave they'll be sittin' on top of the world
Bring it……bring your heart with no secrets……and Ill bring honey for the fire. My limbo bar is set low. I know you understand this. So come with me and lets lay on the beach together and wait for the tide to come in....I just want to hold your hand and enjoy the sun until surfs up.