whatcha ona bout girl??

whatcha ona bout girl??
A retrospective on the inner workings of love, flying pancakes, mensa disasters, dandelion cookies, number bending, super salt, bubblegum oysters, chicken spit, crystal kidneys, guerilla carrots, polychromatic tofu, paraphysics, tender vigilanties, black sand, phillastine placebos, wood soup, buttered shuttlecocks, apostrophe training, fish whips, bleeding speed, plastic fantastic lobster telephones, venus drug rehab, clowns on fire, kiosks on a leash, marshmello overcoats, bottled light, fried blood, unbridled hyperthyroidism, folding wine, amygdula tickling, fainting in coils, hamburgers for the apocalypse, plastic memes, and conjugal fritters.....well...the love parts true

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

to sleep perchance to dream

To sleep perchance to dream……

I rather like my sleep these days…
I don’t know anybody who really gets 8 hours….
So its nice to have a decent one…..
I run into people who tell me I am a pessimist ….. but I don’t see it…
If its bad I call it bad…..if its good I call it good….
Im a realist……..reality trumps all…….
BUT.......Love is still in my dreams…..
Ah what dreams may come……..

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