Oh dude…..I was disappointed……yeah…..but hey…being disappointed at the beach beats being disappointed at home!!! My dad gave me only 1 piece of decent advice EVER. “Son go to the beach and wait tables for the summer”…..Im like…… Dad…...Im not gay…….Two days later Im surfing the strand looking for work….yeah dude…..this is THE life…..After a 2 day spree I was lucky enough to be qualified for …..…Shoneys……Oh …shit……Shoneys??? Shoneys….. Shoneys????........yeah dude…....Shoneys….I was….disappointed…..my friends were killin over at the seafood places….200 bucks a nite!!! Are you kidding me??? Im in the seafood capital of the east coast serving all American burgers…….”yes sir your total is $15.75”…..lessee……10 percent is …..about…….a …..buck fitty………fan…..tastic. That should pay for ONE beer after work…..Now I can’t take credit here.
Please don’t ask me
How I feel
I feel fine
This picture was me….. benching my max at “the big ugly” strongman competition last weekend. Yeah dude…….that’l be cool….a picture of me benching big weight………she……..missed it…FRIG!!!!!!….. I was……..disappointed. I was dating this girl at the beach and I thought things were fine. I was talking to her on the phone one day and I kept hearing things in the background. She’d be gone for a minute then back…….then gone…….”what IS going on???” ….”my ex boyfriend is over here” …..really? …….processing….processing……did you JUST say……..”my ex boyfriend is over here”…….Huh…….I looked at the phone….blink…blink………h….oooookaaaay….I listened to the dialtone for a minute…there on the sidewalk……at a pay phone….I hung the phone up and gathered up my unused quarters…...
It all turned out ok….I got a few more jobs to make up the difference so the money started flowing a bit better…….I was in paradise….volleyball…. sleeping till noon and tanning every day with friends…..and after work……..thumping music on the strip and moonlit walks with corona…….oh yeah dude…..a silver lining worth gold……
Oh I can remember when
It was easy to say I love you
But things have changes since then
Now I really can’t say if I still do
Bring it……… bring your disappointment. People WILL let you down…..They have in the past….you can bet they will do it in the future……. But I like to work on me….not them. I run into people who are having a hard time finding love. They seem occupied with what a dream partner is……or what they’re partners ARENT doing. Or why things aren’t right…..or why no one measures up. Dude……..There will be other competitions…….there will be more love. But I would rather work on my own happiness. Love is something that’s MADE….. you don’t wait for it to show up….so be ready….. you want fries with that????